Top PBM Companies - Rankings: Best Discount Drug Card
September 15, 2014

1. UNA Rx Card - SCORE: 89.50 - UNA Rx Card is a highly innovative pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) that provides clients with proprietary prescription drug benefit program solutions. These programs are delivered through retail pharmacies, insurance companies, governments, employer groups, unions, associations, and discount Rx card distributors. At the beginning of 2012 UNA had more than 105.8 million members. The UNA Rx Card pharmacy network is in all 50 U.S. States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. UNA Rx Card is a division of United Networks of America (UNA).
2. CVS|Caremark - SCORE: 88.25 - CVS/Caremark is a leading pharmaceutical services company providing comprehensive drug benefit services to over 2,000 health plan sponsors and their plan participants throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. CVS/Caremark provides services to a broad array of clients including corporate health plans, managed care organizations, insurance companies, unions, government agencies and other funded benefit plans. The company operates a national retail pharmacy network with
3. MedImpact - SCORE: 85.50 - MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc. has used information technology and human capital to improve the practice of managed care pharmacy since 1989. They partner with health plans, hospitals, and employers to provide pharmacy benefits to 35 million Americans. They are the nation's largest full-service Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) that derives revenue by managing the drug benefit, not from dispensing drugs. Their business model uses trend management to achieve a low net drug cost for their clients.
4. SXC - SCORE: 83.75 - SXC is a full service PBM. SXC's model supports client objectives with a full range of tailored services to enable them to effectively take greater control of strategic components of their pharmacy program along with full disclosure and transparent pricing. Built on proven industry business experience, SXC offers multiple solutions that include: claims processing, pharmacy network management services, data warehousing, rebate management, web-interface, dispensing systems and transaction distribution.
5. Express Scripts - SCORE: 80.75 - Express Scripts (ESI) makes the use of prescription drugs safer and more affordable for more than 50 million Americans, including 5 million labor members. ESI provides innovative solutions for managing pharmacy-benefit costs and enhancing quality of care. Never owned by a drug manufacturer, ESI relies on a client-centric business model that always aligns its interests with those of clients and their members. This legacy of independence guarantees that the company's programs and original research on the pharmacy benefit serve its clients.
6. Catalyst Rx - SCORE: 79.25 - Catalyst Rx is one of the fastest-growing pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) in the U.S., providing flexible solutions and placing the needs of their customers first. Their innovative clinical programs and award-winning service enables them to reduce pharmacy costs and provide industry-leading satisfaction to their members and clients. Catalyst was recently acquired by SXC for $4.4 billion dollars. The combined company will cover about 25 million members and handle about 200 million prescriptions annually.
7. Medco - SCORE: 77.75 - Medco gives you access to one of the largest and most experienced online pharmacies in the industry. Millions of Medco members use® to save time, order and manage their prescriptions, research health information, and identify savings opportunities. Medco was purchased by Express Scripts (ESI) earlier this year for $29.1 billion dollars. The new company will be called Express Scripts Holding Co.
8. US Script - SCORE: 73.50 - US Script provides clinically sound and fiscally responsible prescription benefit programs that enhance quality of care. They partner with clients to understand their benefit needs, customizing plan designs and clinical programs to meet specific drug management goals. US Script supports members with 24/7 CSR services. US SCRIPT services include claim processing, network management, specialty and mail order services.
9. Restat - SCORE: 69.00 - Restat is a privately held company with no ownership ties to pharmacies, wholesalers, mail order services or other companies that dispense medications. Their services include prescription claim processing and convenient pharmacy access through an independent network of more than 64,000 pharmacies. Restat services include claims processing for employers, managed healthcare plans, workers comp plans, HMO's, insurance companies, Medicaid, government plans, and unions.
10. Humana - SCORE: 66.25 - Humana Pharmacy Solutions' mission is to give members access to the medicine they need while offering guidance on clinically proven, therapeutically equivalent drugs that bring better value to the member and the employer. Humana's diverse lines of business position them to serve many types of consumers, including seniors, military members, and self-employed individuals.