Pharmacy Tech of the Month
November, 2020
Name: Megan Bieringer
Pharmacy: Walgreens
Pharmacy Address: 3201 E Layton, Cudahy, Wisconsin, 53110
School Attended: UWM
Art, painting, drawing, reading, and listening to music
If you could have dinner with any three (3) people in history, who would they be?
- Agatha Christie
- Taylor Swift
- Jane Austen
The most rewarding thing about being a pharmacist is:
If I were not a pharmacy tech, I would like to be a full time artist
Who/what inspired you to be a pharmacist:
One of my old store managers thought I would be a good fit and encouraged me to transfer to the pharmacy team. Wasn't sure I liked it at first, but a good decision
Who would you name “Pharmacy Tech of the Month” if you had the next selection:
Phoebe Bottros