Pharmacist of the Week
April, 2016
Name: Katie Zerbe
Pharmacy: Walgreens
Pharmacy Address: 550 S 129th St, Bonner Springs, Kansas, 66012
Pharmacy School Attended: University of Kansas
Playing with my son, spending time with my husband, and scrapbooking
If you could have dinner with any three (3) people in history, who would they be?
- Franklin D Roosevelt
- Princess Diana
- Robin Williams
The most rewarding thing about being a pharmacist is:
Getting to know my patients on a personal level so they see me as a trusted healthcare professional
Who/what inspired you to be a pharmacist:
I always wanted to work in healthcare and help people. I started working for Walgreen's at a young age so I feel like the career chose me
Who would you name “Pharmacist of the Week” if you had the next selection:
Benjamin Kacner