Pharmacist of the Week

April, 2016


Name: Matt Stierman

Pharmacy: Walgreens and Health Enterprises Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy Address: 55 John F Kennedy Rd, Dubuque, Iowa, 52002

Pharmacy School Attended: University of Iowa

Bike riding, travel, and spending time with my three children

If you could have dinner with any three (3) people in history, who would they be?

  1. My late grandparents
  2. My wife’s late grandparents
  3. Any US President

The most rewarding thing about being a pharmacist is:
Always having a role in improving the health of others

Who/what inspired you to be a pharmacist:
My coworkers when I worked as a pharmacy tech while in college

Who would you name “Pharmacist of the Week” if you had the next selection:
Jeff Reist