Pharmacist of the Week
March, 2016
Name: Judy Wray
Pharmacy: Winn-Dixie
Pharmacy Address: 281 SW Port St Lucie Blvd, Port St Lucie, Florida, 34984
Pharmacy School Attended: Palm Beach Atlantic University
Spending time with family
If you could have dinner with any three (3) people in history, who would they be?
- Ronald Reagan
- Late maternal grandfather
- Chester Bennington
The most rewarding thing about being a pharmacist is:
Saving lives and knowing my patients take my advice when they need to seek medical attention. I had a situation where a patient was bitten by a raccoon, I advised him to go to the hospital and after speaking with him several times, he finally went to the hospital. The doctor at the hospital said if he had not gone to the hospital, he would have been in great danger
Who/what inspired you to be a pharmacist:
My son who has ADD, he was on too much medication so I started researching the field
Who would you name “Pharmacist of the Week” if you had the next selection:
Gary Blackmon