Pharmacist of the Week
April, 2016
Name: Elmira Shirazi
Pharmacy: Walgreens
Pharmacy Address: 2551 W Main St, Alhambra, California, 91801
Working out, making people laugh, Facebook and Instagram
If you could have dinner with any three (3) people in history, who would they be?
- Michael Jackson
- Charles Rudolph Walgreen
- Charlie Chaplin
The most rewarding thing about being a pharmacist is:
By providing compassionate patient care one patient at a time
Who/what inspired you to be a pharmacist:
I found the passion for the field of pharmacy while volunteering at Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy during my undergraduate years. My enthusiasm for science, medicine, and direct patient contact has lead me to become a community pharmacist
Who would you name “Pharmacist of the Week” if you had the next selection:
Kimdavy Chheng